Hi Jonathan,

On 27 Mar 2010, at 05:29, Jonathan S. Shapiro wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 6:29 AM, Bruno Oliveira <br...@ropas.snu.ac.kr> wrote: Neither the system proposed in this paper (In reference to: "Objects to unify Type Classes and GADTs) nor Scala implicits (credits due to Martin Odersky, not me :)) do constraint simplification. This also means that we do not lose any late binding ability.

This makes perfect sense. The bias in the BitC design is a bit different. We're happy to *have* late binding, but very reluctant to be *forced* to late binding. There is more to this bias than issues of optimization. It also touches on concerns about static analysis.

I can understand such concerns. May I ask the static analysis concerns that you mention? I am quite interested in static analysis these days as I moved to a static analysis group recently.
The issue that you mention has been debated in essentially all the proposals extending or inspired by type classes. Namely "Named instances for haskell type classes", "Making implicit parameters explicit" and our paper. You can find a summary in Section 5, under the paragraph "Named Instances and Explicit Implicit Parameters".

Thanks for the pointers to these papers. These should be very helpful.

And while I'm thinking about it, thanks for taking the time to participate here!

Also, I noticed that apparently performance is a big issue, so if you are really concerned about this, why not something like Sandro has proposed:

specialized class Eq 'a where
 eq :: 'a -> 'a -> bool

specialized notEquals :: Eq 'a => 'a -> 'a -> bool

The specialised keyword would impose certain restrictions (perhaps no explicit parametrization is allowed being one of them) to ensure that for this particular class no abstraction penalty is paid, or to ensure that a particular function is always specialized.

Offhand, I don't see any case where specialization is infeasible in the whole-program case. The reason is that all of the candidate dictionaries are compile-time constants. Because of this, our existing polyinstantiation approach would probably work just fine.

Aha. So BitC does whole-program compilation? That would be very interesting because I think you could remove quite a bit of overhead. I will look at your work on polyinstantiation.

A middle position would be to admit implicit parameters and just have the compiler emit two editions: one pre-specialized using the implicit defaults (and then partially evaluated to remove the dictionary indirection) and the other that takes a dictionary pointer and uses it. This approach would cover most cases, and it works reasonably when you aren't doing whole-program.

My reluctance to introduce a "specialized" keyword is that this really ought to be an optimizer decision. Figuring out which ways the user should be encouraged to steer the optimizer is an interesting language design challenge. At the moment, I think my inclination would be to reserve the keyword but defer the implementation. It's easy to un-reserve the keyword later.

Sounds reasonable, I would prefer not to introduce the keyword as well, but since there seems to be an emphasis on performance, I thought it could be helpful. However, if you can do whole-program compilation then maybe, as you say, there is a good opportunity to avoid the keyword.

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