This is the first of a series of BIPs describing my “spoonnet” experimental 
hardfork. Recently many bitcoin businesses expressed their requirements for 
supporting a hardfork proposal. While it is proven to be extremely difficult to 
obtain community-wide consensus, spoonnet fulfills all the commonly requested 
features, including deterministic activation logic, strong and simple 2-way 
replay protection, wipe-out protection, and predictable resources use. A few 
more BIPs are coming to describe these features.

The activation is purely based on flag day. Since it is very difficult to 
measure community consensus on-chain, this may only be done off-chain, and 
everyone switch to the new software when the vast majority agree. This is more 
a social issue than a technical one.

Reference implementation for consensus codes could be found at: . This does not include 
mempool, wallet, and mining support. Mempool and wallet support are more tricky 
due to replay attack protection.

BIP: ? 
Layer: Consensus (hard fork) 
Title: Extended block header hardfork 
Author: Johnson Lau <> 
Comments-Summary: No comments yet. 
Status: Draft 
Type: Standards Track 
Created: 2017-03-31 
License: BSD-2-Clause


This BIP proposes a flexible and upgradable extended block header format 
thorough a hardfork.


In the current Bitcoin protocol, the block header is fixed at 80 bytes with no 
space reserved for additional data. The coinbase transaction becomes the only 
practical location for new consensus-critical data, such as those proposed by 
BIP100 and BIP141. Although this preserves maximal backward compatibility for 
full nodes, it is not ideal for light clients because the size of coinbase 
transaction and depth of Merkle tree are indefinite.

This BIP proposes an extended block header format with the following objectives:

        • To provide a flexible header format which is easily upgradeable with 
        • Old light nodes following the hardfork chain if it has most 
proof-of-work, but not seeing any transactions.
        • Being compatible with the Stratum mining protocol to avoid mining 
machine upgrade.
        • Having a deterministic hardfork activation.
        • Being a permanent hardfork, as supporting nodes will not accept 
blocks mined in old rules after hardfork is activated.


The following rules are activated when the median timestamp of the past 11 
blocks is equal to or greater than a to-be-determined time and after activation 
of BIP65.

        • the nVersion of the block header MUST have the most significant bit 
(the sign bit) signalled.
        • for the purpose of counting softforks proposal signalling (BIP9), the 
sign bit is ignored.
        • segregated witness MUST be enabled, if it had not been already 
activated through the BIP9 mechanism.
        • the witness of the first input of the coinbase transaction MUST have 
exactly one stack item (the "extended header"), with the following data:
                • bytes 0 to 3: nHeight MUST be equal to the height of this 
block (signed little endian)
                • bytes 4 to 5: MUST be exactly 0x0000
                • bytes 6 to 53: extra data with no meaning in Bitcoin protocol
                • bytes 54 to 85: hashMerkleRoot the transaction Merkle root 
(calculated in the same way as the original Merkle root in the block header)
                • bytes 86 to 117: hashWitnessRoot the witness Merkle root (NOT 
calculated in the way described in BIP141)
                • bytes 118 to 121: nTx MUST be equal to the number of 
transactions in this block (unsigned little endian, minimum 1)
                • bytes 122 to 129: nFees MUST be equal to the total 
transaction fee paid by all transactions, except the coinbase transaction, in 
the block (unsigned little endian)
                • bytes 130 to 137: nWeight MUST be equal to or greater than 
the total weight of all transactions in the block (to be described in another 
BIP. NOT calculated in the way described in BIP141)
                • bytes 138+ : Reserved space for future upgrades
        • bytes 36 to 67 in the block header, the place originally for the 
hashMerkleRoot is replaced by the double SHA256 hash of the extended header.
        • size of the extended header MUST be at least 138 bytes.
        • wtxid of the coinbase transaction is calculated as if the witness of 
its first input is empty.
        • the hashWitnessRoot is calculated with all wtxid as leaves, in a way 
similar to the hashMerkleRoot.
        • the OP_RETURN witness commitment rules described in BIP141 is not 
        • The witness reserved valued described in BIP141 is removed from the 
A special extheader softfork is defined, with the following BIP9 parameters:
        • bit: 15
        • starttime: 0
        • timeout: 0xffffffff
Until the extheader softfork is activated, the following extra rules are 
        • nWeight MUST be exactly equal to the total weight of all transactions 
in the block
        • size of the extended header MUST NOT be larger than 152 bytes
Activation of the special extheader softfork is independent to the activation 
time of the hardfork. If the special softfork is activated before the hardfork, 
the aforementioned extra rules will not be enforced when the hardfork is 
activated. Nodes that are not aware of the new rules should consider extheader 
softfork as an unknown upgrade and issue warnings to users accordingly.


This hardfork employs a simple flag day deployment based on the median 
timestamp of previous blocks. Beyond this point, supporting nodes will not 
accept blocks with original rules. This ensures a deterministic and permanent 
departure with the original rules.

The witness field of the coinbase input is used as a convenient unused space to 
store the extended header. For any other purposes the extended header is not 
considered as part of the coinbase transaction (it is removed when the wtxid is 
calculated) This design minimizes the changes in the peer-to-peer protocol 
between full nodes, as no new message type is required to transmit the extended 
header. However, a new protocol message is still needed for serving light nodes.

Committing to the block height allows determining the value before all parental 
headers are obtained.

By fixing the bytes 4 to 5 as 0x0000, in the worst case an unupgraded light 
node may consider the block has only one transaction with no input and output, 
and will not see any real transactions.

The 48 byte extra data field is reserved for miners for any purposes and 
designed to be compatible with the Stratum mining protocol. Miners are expected 
to use 4 to 16 bytes as extra nonce, and 32 to 44 bytes for merge mining. This 
requires a hardfork for all AuxPOW blockchains, while significantly reduces the 
size of AuxPOW block headers.

hashMerkleRoot is relocated to the extended header, followed by 
hashWitnessRoot. The new structure allows hashWitnessRoot committing to the 
wtxid of coinbase transaction with extended header removed.

Committing to the number of transactions allows light nodes to determine the 
Merkle tree structure easily.

Committing to the transaction fees and block weight provides information for 
fees estimation.

The reserved space (16 bytes until the extheader softfork is activated) MUST 
NOT be used without community consensus. It should be primarily used for 
consensus critical commitments and network status data for light nodes. Other 
arbitrary data should use the extra data field in extended header or the 
scriptSig of the coinbase transaction.

The special extheader softfork allows future protocol upgrades to increase the 
size of the extended header and redefine the calculation of block weight in a 
backward compatible way.

Other proposed hardfork changes are described in other BIPs.


This is a hard forking change, which breaking compatibility with old full node 
and light node. It should not be deployed without widespread consensus.

Old full nodes will consider the block header nVersion as invalid and refuse 
the follow the hardfork chain.

Depending on the design of light nodes, they may consider the hardfork chain as 
the best chain if it has the most total proof-of-work. However, they will not 
see any transactions in the chain and cease to properly function until either 
upgrading to the new rules, or rejecting the new rules with the negative block 
header nVersion.

Reference implementation


This BIP is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.
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