PR #24897 ( has been updated with 
a new silent payment version, which eliminates some manual steps from the 
previous version (such as the need to set the `keypool` to avoid costly 
multi-key scan).

This is achieved by using a new descriptor type ("sp()") that has no range and 
contains exactly one key.

Example: "sp(cQq73sG9....JD51uaRD)#9llg6xjm"

This descriptor introduces a new type of output: "silent-payment". This output 
type returns a standard Taproot script (Segwit V1), but with HRP changed from 
"bc" to "sp" on the mainnet (or "tsp" on testnet and signet).
This output type will always generate the same address (unless another "sp" 
descriptor is enabled on the same wallet).

$ ./src/bitcoin-cli -signet getnewaddress '' 'silent-payment'

To create a silent transaction, simply use the silent payment address as one of 
the outputs.
The "send" RPC will automatically identify and tweak it.

The transaction can contain multiple outputs, combining silent and standard 

I have written a step by step signet tutorial so reviewers can test this new 
version easily.
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