Tom, also those teets are small, and you may want to try this, for
milking, if you have a larger syringe around.

don't forget to bump upwards on the bag a few times to get it to let
down, before you try this.


On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Carol Elkins <> wrote:
> Tom, do everything you possibly can to milk colostrum from the ewe. Put her
> in a stanchion to hold her still. You may not get a lot, but every bit is
> important. Measure what you do get and divide it into two parts, one for
> each lamb. Do this as often as you can to get as much colostrum as you can
> from her. If she has any milk in her bag, you might try letting the lambs
> nurse. I stanchioned a ewe three times a day for 3 weeks and she finally
> accepted the lamb. (I bottle fed him to supplement what he was getting from
> the ewe.)
> Read the article I wrote about Raising Bummer Lambs on a Bottle at
> It contains a recipe
> for a newborn milk formula to use if you have no colostrum. It also provides
> a schedule and a formula for feeding amounts. Cecil will caution you to not
> feed as much as the article recommends per feeding and I agree; but it is a
> place to start.
> Carol
> At 09:58 PM 8/2/2010, you wrote:
>> I dont have any colostrum.  All of this happened after the feed stores
>> were
>> closed.
>> I can probably find some tomowrrow-- or is that too late?
> Carol Elkins
> Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
> (no shear, no dock, no fuss)
> Pueblo, Colorado
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