Tom, are you sure she does not have any milk? We had a ewe that bagged up, had 
her twins but would not let them nurse. IT turns out it must have hurt her when 
the lambs tried to nurse to the point she would walk away. What I did is hold 
her against the wall in the jug while helping the lambs to nurse every two 
hours around the clock. She finally started letting the lambs nurse willingly 
after two days. My suggestion would be don't give up on getting them to nurse 
untill you are sure she has no milk. If she bagged up my guess is she has milk. 
As far as quantities for bottle feeding there is a ton of info if you Google 
bottle feeding lambs.  I am not a real experianced shepherd but all the 
research I did when we were going through our ordeal I formed the opinion that 
if a ewe did not "violently" reject a Lamb chances are she could let them nurse 
if she has the milk. Dave 

Tom Quinn <> wrote:

>Hi All
>One of our young ewes just had twins.  She is not accepting them and seems
>to have no milk
>I just cleaned them up and bottle fed them once with Advance all species
>formula--thats all I could find right now.
>I need suggestions bad!  How often to feed?  How much per feeding?  How
>This is our first crop of lambs
>Tom Quinn
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