On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 08:40:23AM -0600, Jared Lyvers wrote:
> What would adding XML to blackbox help w/.  Maybe I missed an earlier
> thread.  How would XML improve the BB experience? 

i dont konw that it would add anything to blackbox itself, however the
OP was suggesting that XML-based configuration files could make
configuring blackbox easier to modify via existing (3rd party) tools. if 
configuration is "easier" for someone then i suppose it is an 
improvement to blackbox. i'm personally happy with the current method of 
configuration, but i'm certainly not going to complain about additional 
flexibility. however, i'd rather not force everyone to switch to xml if 
they like things as they are, hence my suggestion to have an extra tool 
to convert between xml and the bbconfig files.


| Russ Burdick | "What do the good know...except what the             |
|===============  bad teach them by their excesses?" -Clive Barker    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     http://extrapolation.net |

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