On Thursday 11 December 2003 16:49, Angelo Brigante, Jr. wrote:
> I have a question about the Slit behavior between versions 0.61.1 and
> 0.65.0. I have the Slit placement set to 'Top Left' and I have Autohide
> enabled.
> In 0.61.1 the Slit would appear as follows:
> +##---------+
> |##.........|
> |VV.........|
> |...........|
> +-----------+
> That is it would drop down from the top.
> In 0.65.0 (and 0.70.0broken) it does:
> +-----------+
> |##>........|
> |##>........|
> |...........|
> +-----------+
> That is it slides out from the left side.

It was decided that the behaviour was more consistent and intuitive if the 
slit always acted the same, so it slides from the sides.  If this list 
believes that the old behavior is better I could be persuaded to either make 
it act like it used to or provide the option to act in either the new way or 
the old one.

> Can someone tell me how to patch 0.65.0 to make the behavior act like
> that from 0.61.1.

You want src/Slit.cc.  Look for the functions reconfigure(), reposition() and 

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