Quoting Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thursday 11 December 2003 16:49, Angelo Brigante, Jr. wrote:
> > I have a question about the Slit behavior between versions 0.61.1 and
> > 0.65.0. I have the Slit placement set to 'Top Left' and I have Autohide
> > enabled.
> > In 0.61.1 the Slit would appear as follows: [snip]
> > That is it would drop down from the top.
> > In 0.65.0 (and 0.70.0broken) it does: [snip]
> > That is it slides out from the left side.
> >
> It was decided that the behaviour was more consistent and intuitive if the
> slit always acted the same, so it slides from the sides.  If this list 
> believes that the old behavior is better I could be persuaded to either
> make it act like it used to or provide the option to act in either the new
> way or the old one.

I always thought that the combination of slit placement and slit orientation
(vertical/horizontal) decides what way it slides out. That is, always in
such way that the longer side slides in first. I never really checked this
come to think about it, but I guess that would be intuitive behaviour for

Ciprian Popovici

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