On Mon, Jan21,02 09:15, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> I am not found of the icon on toolbar idea.  It turns the toolbar into more of a
> panel and well, there are already plenty of those.
> As for the battery load idea, I like it and have considered it know and then
> before I became the blackbox hacker.

OK. I can see one problem with this: where does it stop?

_You_ like the battery load idea... what about the bbcpu app? the bbmem app?
what about <insert a whole host of other possible apps here>?

Sure, you're the main developer now, so you can kind of choose what goes,
and what doesn't... but the inclusion of just one of the apps necessitates
the ability to choose which app it is, and therefore moves you to developing
a panel. Sure, it'd be one kickass panel because it's a bb panel, but why
doesn't someone just develop a sparate bbpanel that plays nicely with bb?
Then you could also have the option (run time!) to disable the toolbar. THAT
makes alot more sense to me.


Derek Cunningham

"All men by nature desire to know." -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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