There is a standard at play here and unless I hear someone say it doesn't
matter then that also matters even though the quote received no comment.
As far as the point about sloppy coding that is certainly true, but my
point is that if you just want a window system to run X, then you just
want a window system to run X. I have a very fast workstation at home and
I can spare cycles for eye candy so I use windowmaker. My kid has a nearly
identical computer but likes blackbox because it is noticably faster.

At work, using a parallel network computer I philosophically do not wish
to waste a single clock cycle but still need X for visualization tools.
What else would I use... twm? that is the common solution but yuck. 

How about the 14 year old kid with a pentium 200 and 32Megs of RAM, and a
2 meg video card. Brad's original idea of a Lean Mean windowing machine
was developed on a Pentium 200 with 32 megs if memory serves, Lean and
Mean is a really good idea with a niche. When you make it extensible with
tools then it can still have a kitchen sink without losing it's niche.
Otherwise it just becomes Yet Another NeXT knock off.

Just my opinion of course,
--Brigham Young

--- Ciprian Popovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > bbkeys seems to work well in spite of the QT vs. Gtk debate. As
> >hardware gets faster, software should run faster, but hey, that is 
> >only my opinion.
> Well made software, that is. Some programmers twist this theory the
> other way around: "why optimize and improve code to run faster when
> you can get better hardware to run it on?". That just won't do.
> BlackBox and the bbtools are well made software. Let's just put
> advantages and disadvantages of integrating keybindings back into
> BlackBox and see if the outcome justifies the move.
> Ciprian Popovici

--> Brigham Young
Senior Project Leader CAUSMIS
Senior Technician, MRAM etching
University of Idaho
Office 208.885.5313 
Plasma Lab 208.885.7934 
Minerals Lab 208.885.5308

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