On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:41:12AM -0500, xOr wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 12:08:01AM +0930, Tim Riley wrote:
> > It just seems that some of the proposed config options are so obtuse and
> > subtle that the average man on the free unix might not understand it.  For
> Heh, are you, by chance, a ClickToFocus user? Because it seems to me
> that that option makes a hell of a lot of difference when you are using
> SloppyFocus. :) Also, if the menu entry doesn't make sense, then there
> should be a document describing what each option does more thoroughly.
> Make them understandable rather than remove them.

I use sloppy focus.  I would not ever expect sloppy focus to go, because 
it is a behaviour almost universally provided by window managers.  I grant 
that certain behaviour options should be configurable.  However, if 
options for all of these fine-grained "no move on maximised windows"-esque 
appeared in the config menu, it would quickly become unmanagable.

- Tim

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