Pierre Labastie wrote:
On 29/09/2015 20:43, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
OK, tagging is finally finished and all tickets for 7.8 are closed.

Let's take a day to review and fix up any outstanding issues.  If anyone knows
of something else that needs to be fixed, please speak up here.

If nothing comes up, I plan on releasing LFS-7.8 and BLFS-7.8 stable versions
on Thursday, October 1st.

I do not know whether KF5-intro is correct in the /usr part, and also, it
seems to me that there is some redundancy in the parts added to
/etc/profile.d/qt5.sh and /etc/profiles.d/kf5.sh (in the /opt/kf5 case).
Problem is: there are 4 cases:
- Qt5 in /usr, Kf5 in /usr
- Qt5 in /usr, Kf5 in /opt
- Qt5 in /opt, Kf5 in /usr
- Qt5 in /opt, Kf5 in /opt, which, although not recommended (only thelast one
is), are all possible according to the book. I am not sure all cases are 

In reviewing the /usr install setuup for kf5, all the pathappend statements depend on the location of qt5. We do have a note in the qt5 section about installing in /usr/bin/qt5 and similar qt5 subdirectories of other system directories.

This is my analysis:

If qt5 is in /usr/bin/qt5 (and similar), then we need

pathappend /usr/lib/qt5/plugins QT_PLUGIN_PATH

If it is in /opt, then we need:

pathappend /opt/qt5/plugins QT_PLUGIN_PATH

Actually, the script should be appended to /etc/profile.d/qt5.sh, not /etc/profile.d/kf5.sh.

cat >> /etc/profile.d/qt5.sh << "EOF"
# Begin Qt5 changes for KF5

# Assuming $QT5DIR == '/usr'

pathappend /usr/lib/qt5/plugins QT_PLUGIN_PATH
pathappend /usr/lib/qt5/qml     QML_IMPORT_PATH
pathappend /usr/lib/qt5/qml     QML2_IMPORT_PATH

# End Qt5 changes for KF5

We also need to add

pathappend /usr/bin/qt5         PATH

to the qt5.sh in the qt5 section of the book.

Does this look right to you?

  -- Bruce

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