> I don't appear to have either the "posix" directory or the "right"
> > directory.
> > As I was building a stripped-down system I must have followed the
> > suggestion to
> > omit them, and now, maybe, this has come back to bite me.  I'm
> > assuming that I can install them now.
> Yep, that's your problem.  From my logs of tzdata-2013d I see:
> for tz in etcetera southamerica northamerica europe africa antarctica  \
>           asia australasia backward pacificnew solar87 solar88 solar89 \
>           systemv; do
>     zic -L /dev/null   -d $ZONEINFO       -y "sh yearistype.sh" ${tz}
>     zic -L /dev/null   -d $ZONEINFO/posix -y "sh yearistype.sh" ${tz}
>     zic -L leapseconds -d $ZONEINFO/right -y "sh yearistype.sh" ${tz}
> done
> Note the last line in that for loop, which uses the leapseconds file to
> generate the tz data in the 'right' directory.  That's where your 26
> second discrepancy is coming from.  My advice would be to just upgrade
> to tzdata-2013g from the latest SVN instructions.
> Regards,
> Matt.

Thanks Matt, that solved the issue.  It was driving me crazy.  I've been
using the system for a while and it was only a couple of Erlang packages
that I've been trying to install lately that picked up the problem.

Thanks too to Bruce, and particularly Pierre who flagged the leap second
issue right at the start.

Maybe it's worth removing the advice from Chapter 6.9 of the LFS book
regarding the "posix" and "right" directories.  I know the advice comes
with a rider but it's clear to me that omitting those directories can cause
serious problems.

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