I filled out the first servey to the best of my ability but I am unsure what you hope to get out of this.

Yes some of us do play video games in consoles, and some do use emulators.

But most blind people play games for blind people, usually offline unless you count the muds and text online games as actual games.

I know we are all inclusive but there are quite a lot of us like me that most of the servey didn't apply to.

I have no interest of playing video games online mainly because of my timezone and I don't own a console.

On 21/12/2019 6:46 am, David Gonçalves wrote:

Greetings, I’m David, a new member of the group. I hope that you are all doing ok!

I'm a researcher and developer from Lisbon, Portugal and I'm currently working with the blind and low vision community to create games that can be enjoyable for players with different levels of vision, for instance games that can be played and enjoyed by the whole family and mixed-ability groups of friends. Maybe you can help me.

I’m asking volunteers aged 18 or older to answer some online questions. If you’re blind or have low vision and you like to play games (videogames or tabletop games) you can help me, answering the following short Microsoft Form questionnaire:https://bit.ly/2r3XZKJ <https://bit.ly/2r3XZKJ?fbclid=IwAR2bcMsSEoqhHaRMD9azZSVoHO-qbivxUGqQrSxert11lXg2pa5u4SgkLPs>.

If you’re sighted and you have a close relationship with someone blind or with low vision who likes to play, you can also help me by filling this second questionnaire:https://bit.ly/2PBBPJv <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2PBBPJv%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR28HWE_qWMKgK1jy-dsMTgMsN3yCP2POBsgjDba_u2hLZc0NEz9cLcSr0Y&h=AT2QLGqjPrO5VkqQnG2ggCd4y6rDfnQT056fkg04Q1A7ataImWdg_goY3B3Pix3OhnUokWDaMXuTSTF87HcadTbTbesXOIz8Kqjf_OlZ7Zg7wQNS975L5m2VaExEpu0fsGvcA6V9QIqZXYZltEUYqzh4LLQiFPn8VA>. If you're blind or have low vision, you can further help, sharing this second survey with your sighted friends.

Counting on you! Games must be for everyone! If you're interested and want to know more, you can message me. Many thanks and best regards!

David G

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