

We found a wonderful measuring cup at Bed, Bath & Beyond that is plastic,
and has a lid on it that whistles when the water boils.  As of yet, the
water has never boiled over.  It holds up to 2 cups.






From: []
On Behalf Of Victor
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 1:18 PM
To: Blind Handyman Listserv
Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Physics and Cooking Go Together


Hi All you Physics Buffs,

I boil my water for Tea in my microwave, and I usually leave the tea bag in
the water as it's heating up.

On occasion, a certain amount of water, that is very hard to gauge, triggers
a boiling over of the water, to the point that I am left with little water
in the cup, which is plastic, by the way, and a tonne of water on the
microwave tray.

I know that if one places salt in the water, this will prevent the boiling
over, but is there something else that will not make my tea taste like a
salt mine? Grins.

Is there something in the water, or in the microwave that I can put to
prevent the boiling over of the water?

Any help would, of course, be appreciated.

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