For good tea the water must have boiled. It need not necessarily be boiling 
when poured over the tea.

If the pot is heated before the tea is placed in it the tea will be even better.

So, the best way is to pour a little hot water into the pot as the kettle is 
coming to the boil, swirl it around and pour it off and put tea into the pot. 
When the water comes to a boil, pour it over the tea.

It is interesting but when I lived and worked in England between 1969 and 1973 
the British scoffed at our North American tea bags. By 2000  or 2001 it seemed 
to me that where ever we went visiting, tea bags were used exclusively.

I suppose it is like bruising a fine single malt scotch by dropping ice into it 
rather than pouring the nectar of the Gods over the ice. Don't understand the 
science of it but there certainly is a difference in the flavor.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Spiro 
  To: Blind Handyman Listserv 
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 11:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Physics and Cooking Go Together

  a thermometer that can measure the temp to a degree or two less than 
  boiling, then let the bag sit.
  Most coffee and tea makers use about 208f.

  On Thu, 8 Jan 2009, Victor wrote:

  > Hi All you Physics Buffs,
  > I boil my water for Tea in my microwave, and I usually leave the tea bag in 
the water as it's heating up.
  > On occasion, a certain amount of water, that is very hard to gauge, 
triggers a boiling over of the water, to the point that I am left with little 
water in the cup, which is plastic, by the way, and a tonne of water on the 
microwave tray.
  > I know that if one places salt in the water, this will prevent the boiling 
over, but is there something else that will not make my tea taste like a salt 
mine? Grins.
  > Is there something in the water, or in the microwave that I can put to 
prevent the boiling over of the water?
  > Any help would, of course, be appreciated.
  > Victor
  > Co-moderator
  > Blind Movie Buffs List
  > Guidedogs List
  > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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