Claudia, which system are you referring too?  I have one of the Life- 
style 25 surround-sound systems that we have had for about five or  
seven years and we love it.  I am wearing a pair of Bose Tri-port  
headphones and I really love them and they are the most comfortable  
pair I have owned.
So, your question is are they good and that is purely in the ear of  
the beholder.  I have to say that I have been very impressed with most  
of their products and the products I didn't much care for was their  
computer speakers, the Media-Mates or whatever the heck they called  
them. They have a new pair that costs some real money, but haven't  
heard them.  Now if your referring to the Bose Wave Radio, they are  
from what I gather very impressive and not horribly hard to operate.   
What makes the Bose products so great is the engineering involved in  
reproducing the sound quality they do in the size unit.  I personally  
find their products to be reasonable in terms of cost for what you  
get.  Some items are a bit steep I also have to agree, but after all  
that babbling, my recommendation to you is either go see one in  
person, order one with the understanding you can return it in 30 days  
if your not satisfied, or visit someone who has such a unit.   
Unfortunately, it is hard to get a feel for this type of product in a  
store, so it is nice you get the 30-day return and you can charge 12  
payments to your credit card, so you don't have to fund the whole  
thing up front on your card or get a card/loan from them. :)
I know that wasn't overly helpful, but it is a tricky question to  
answer and I'm sure you'll get plenty of opinions.  It'll come down to  
whether you enjoy the sound to the point your willing to pay for it. :)
On Aug 30, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Claudia wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have a Bose system, and if so, is it really all that  
> they say it
> is?
> We're thinking about such a system, but we're wondering if it's  
> worth the
> money?
> Also, are those systems very complicated in nature?
> Thanks.
> Claudia
> Join either of my groups; the first is for visually-impaired women,  
> while
> the other is for people wishing to discuss homemaking issues.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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