Hi all,

I've been talking to Nick Day about the issues he's been having with CMLRSS, i.e. the feed itself is problematically large.

I was wondering about the possibility of moving CMLRSS to an enclosure based approach, so instead of embedding the CML we'd have something like: -

 <title>NSC 383504</title>
<description>Molecule id 383504 from the NSC small molecules collection</description> <enclosure url="http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/bitstream/1810/183614/2/nsc383504_post-mopac.cml"; length="" type="chemical/x-cml"/>

I think this way will be easier for clients and servers alike.

If the link resolves to an RDF description or a GRDDL-able HTML page you could retrieve additional metadata as well.

Any thoughts? How many projects would this change affect? Could / should we allow both solutions in the future?

Best regards,

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