>ok, i get your point now. but do we need that. composing a letter isn't
>something that money can buy.
I don't know what the flow is. I always assumed many of the ducks needed
to be lined up, or evidence given that could be, as a part of the bid.

>as i said, i have old drafts. want me to
>post them here? we can group edit this in a week or so. then i can send
Google docs or the wiki probably makes more sense?

Would it help as a part of the plea to the powers that be at Tech to have
as many of us as possible, especially (course 6) alums "sign" the letter?

We shouldn't limit ouselves to just the CS department either. The Media
Lab, as mentioned is another possibility as are some possible bioperl
users e.g; Broad, CRC and Whitehead. I don't personally know if any use
it, but it's an obvious track we've discussed before, and so they could
get on board. Perhaps some of the local folks involved in bioperl at
other institutions would have some leads.
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D'ec'ed'e, mort, fichu. C'est un ex-perroquet.

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