
You're awesome.

On Apr 19, 2012 10:27 PM, "Justin" <jus...@presidentbeef.com> wrote:

> Some significant code changes are coming in 1.6 (such as the removal of
> Ruport and new JSON output), so there is a pre-release gem available
> (https://rubygems.org/gems/brakeman/versions/1.6.0.pre1) so people can
> kick the tires just a little bit.
> However, the full release of Brakeman 1.6 will be tomorrow (UTC-7), so
> there is only a limited amount of time to get in any bug reports before
> the actual release. So please try out the pre-release gem and report any
> issues!
> Major changes:
> * No more Ruport for reports (yay!)
> * Compare scan results to previous (JSON) reports via `--compare`!
> * Rescanning and comparing results should be more accurate (in terms of
> fixed/new)!
> * JSON reports are much more informative now!
> * "Dangerous" user input is highlighted in text/HTML reports!
> * Fixed duplicate reporting of SQL injection and mass assignment in
> views!

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