This release includes a ton of changes and fixes, including an update 
to RubyParser 3.0.4. Please note that some defaults have changed.

Changes since 1.8.3:

  * Update to RubyParser 3
  * Ignore route information by default
  * Add optional "interprocedural" analysis for controllers
  * Properly pass instance variables between before_filters
  * Support `strong_parameters` gem/Rails 4
  * Support newer `validates :format` call
  * Add scan time to reports
  * Add Brakeman version to reports
  * Don't mangle whitespace in JSON code formatting
  * Fix `CheckExecute` to warn on all string interpolation
  * Fix false positive on `to_sql` calls
  * Add AppTree as facade for filesystem (Bryan Helmkamp)
  * Add link for translate vulnerability warning (Michael Grosser)
  * Add Rakefile to run tests (Michael Grosser)
  * Better default config file locations (Michael Grosser)
  * Remove "find by regex" feature from `CallIndex`
  * Reduce Sexp creation
  * Handle empty model files

For all the gory details:

Please test out the new `--interprocedural` option and report any 
strangeness. This may be on by default in 2.0.

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