At 17:45 04-10-2002 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:

>>And if you remember that, then you will also remember that since that 
>>time, the policy of this list is that nobody is required to back any 
>>claims with any proof.
>Now, I may have been deleting e-mails en masse, but for the record, to my 
>knowledge this has not in any way EVER been official policy here on the 
>Brin-L list.  I have seen no memo changing the nature of the etiquette 
>guidelines in such a manner.  This is a conclusion you drew about the 
>list, and as far as I can tell it applies to only one incident.  If you 
>disagree with me, please post the relevant section of the etiquette 
>guidelines that says that '.the policy of this list is that nobody is 
>required to back any claims with any proof' . Otherwise, you're 
>wrong.  It's not list policy.
>Please acknowledge your error publicly or prove I'm wrong by posting the 
>relevant section of the etiquette guidelines.

The fact that it is not in the Etiquette Guidelines does not mean it is not 
list policy. Erik Reuter consistently refused to back his claims with 
proof. This community did not criticise him for his blatant refusal to 
provide proof. I have since then repeated my statement on a few occassions, 
and nobody has ever disputed it. Therefore, the community has given it her 
silent approval.

BTW, there is also nothing in the Guidelines that says that claims must be 
supported by proof.

>>>Oh, and by the way, if you feel inclined, I'd really love to see you 
>>>provide further documentation that the authors and publishers of the 
>>>eight dictionaries whose definitions were posted to the list are biased 
>>>and members of the "pro-Israel" crowd.
>>Certainly in the case of American authors and publishers, such a bias 
>>cannot be entirely ruled out. America in general is, after all, very 
>>pro-Israel, has a large Jewish community, and is in fact the only friend 
>>Israel has in the world.
>Show me the sources and documentation that back up your claims.

I am not saying they *are* biased, I am saying that the possibility can not 
be ruled out (and have given the reasons why). It is not possible to prove 
that the *possibility of bias* does or does not exist.

Jeroen "Likud Delenda Est" van Baardwijk

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