>From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Intellectual output from the Arab World
>Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2002 12:57:11 +0200
>At 00:32 04-10-2002 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
>>n : a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in 
>>the hope of deceiving someone [syn: sophism]
>>Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
>>I'd say that's an accurate description of what he's doing.
>No, I am not using invalid arguments, nor am I trying to deceive anyone. I 
>am trying to get the point across that a commonly used meaning of a word is 
>not necessarily the (only) correct meaning.

No, it's an apt description. You're deliberately defining a word in such a 
way that said definition disagrees with eight dictionaries, an encyclopedia 
and, incidentally, one that several native-English speakers on the list also 
disagree with.  Instead of trying to disprove the written authorities, you 
refuse to post a shred of formal evidence that your position is accurate.

Therefore, your argument is invalid because it is based on your false 
assumption (that the term 'antisemitic' refers to non-Jews).  You are 
ignoring evidence that says it's invalid while refusing to post any of your 
own.  That's sophistry.

If you were really trying 'to get the point across that a commonly used 
meaning of a word is not necessarily the (only) correct meaning', you'd be 
substantiating your claim with something more than your own opinion.

But, of course, I'm not the first person to point that out to you, am I?

>But hey, I am flattered to see that you believe I am displaying ingenuity! 
>Thanks for the compliment!   :-)

I think you're being very creative.  You seem to be verbally dancing in 
every direction but towards actually backing up your claims with formal 
evidence. (Which, btw, *I* did a couple of days ago.)

Look, I'm not assigning you sinister motives.  I didn't call you a 
holocaust-denier.  I'm merely asking you to substantiate your claim with an 
authority that's as valid as the multiple ones posted to the list.  Your 
lack of eagerness to do so speaks volumes about the strength of your 

>Jeroen "Brains" van Baardwijk

I'd prefer to see "Jeroen 'Maturity' van Baardwijk", honestly.


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