At 22:44 17-10-2002 -0400, John Giorgis wrote:

The question Dr. Brin, is not "how sure are we that Hussein has a nuclear
weapons program", the question is "How sure are you that he does not?"
You can not justify an attack against any country with that kind of reasoning, which is why this kind of reasoning is utterly wrong.

Can you be 100% sure that Canada will never ever invade the US? No you cannot. Therefore, the US would be justified in preemptively attacking Canada.

Can Europe be 100% sure that the US will not invade The Netherlands if an American is tried by the International Criminal Court? No it cannot. Therefore, Europe would be justified in preemptively attacking the US as soon as an American gets arrested for war crimes.

Can NATO be 100% sure that Germany will not invade its neighbours for a third time? No it cannot. Therefore, NATO would be justified in preemptively attacking Germany.

Do you now see why your reasoning "how sure are you that he does not" is an utterly wrong one? If every country would adopt your kind of reasoning, everyone would be attacking everyone in no time.

Jeroen "Make love, not war" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


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