J. van Baardwijk wrote:
>Through cooperation with other
>freedom-loving democratic countries, or by unilaterally deciding to ignore
>all those potential allies, storming into country after country with all
>guns blazing, and alienating all those other freedom-loving countries from
>you in the process?

John D. Giorgis reponded:
> "ALL" those allies?    The UK, Australia, Spain, and Italy are all behind
> the US attack on Iraq - and those are just the ones that I have heard of.

This is just my opinion, but I suspect that the majority of the people in
those countries don't support an invasion of Iraq, even if their governments
are supporting the US for diplomatic reasons. World opinion is pretty
solidly against an invasion, I suspect. (An invasion without UN backing,
that is.) It's only in the United States that the idea is credible - and
even there, many people are undecided or skeptical.

If America does this thing, it will be going down a road with fewer and
fewer companions. And if Bush wants to continue making preemptive strikes on
other dangerous nations, even loyal governments like England may have to
reconsider their support.

Kevin Street


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