Doug asked....
> How would they measure use?

Time Warner / Road Runner, in the last year, has been replacing the older
Motorola cable modems with the new "Surfboard". One of the technicians that
did some troubleshooting here was telling me that with this particular modem
they can throttle the bandwidth and set limits as well as block any sort of
content that they choose by remote administration.

TW/RR already throttles bandwidth. I can download at virtually unlimited
speeds, but connections between other RR customers via direct connect are
throttled to 40K. Not quite the "Hundreds Of Times Faster Than Modems" that
they advertise.

He also said that TW/RR was experimenting with the concept of charging based
on bandwidth usage in the next 12 to 16 months. His opinion was that many
people would switch to alternate providers or DSL.



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