In a message dated 10/29/2002 9:42:43 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

 Welcome to the cynic's club.  Easy to get in, hard to get out.
 Try not to stay too long, it doesn't become someone with
 your sense of humor.
 Bitter cynic >>

Marry someone who's mild. Great fun at pubs.

Who's Line Is It Anyway came on at 1AM. That wasn't too long.

And for the half year I spent in Los Angeles, I always listened to Cynic's 
Choice on the radio.

The main hype from the shooting came from the fact that he died falling on a 
backpack. So it had to be assumed that it was a bomb. And since there were 
signs everywhere that it was a gun free zone, no teacher or security guard 
was there to shoot the guy as he climbed from the second to the forth floor.

Since he was a Gulf War veteran, instead of using this as a reason to get rid 
of all guns, why not work to get rid of all veterans--through old age. It'll 
be nice when we have no need for new ones.

NBL soon, but eventually.

William Taylor
(Not bloody likely)

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