At 10:50 AM 11/2/02, Julia Thompson wrote:
Ronn Blankenship wrote:

> How's the temperature there?  That's the other thing I'm washing:  warm
> stuff to wear outside at night.  Wednesday night, we had about an hour of
> the clearest skies we've had on a lab night all semester.  Then the clouds
> rolled in almost as fast as they do in one of those time-lapse film
> sequences . . .

The temperature is not going to get as far up as 60F today.

Same here.

temperature will be right around 50F tonight, with cloudiness and some
humidity and possibly showers.

Which we are scheduled to get Monday and Tuesday.

And I'm supposed to be doing some sort
of crawl this evening for a bachelorette party for a close friend's
younger sister, and I'm not looking forward to this evening's weather
for *that*.  (At least it'll be downtown Austin, where it probably won't
be as windy as it gets out here, and it ought to be just a *little*
warmer, anyway.)

Possibly dumb question: what's a "crawl" in the context of a bachelorette party?

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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