Ronn Blankenship wrote:
> At 10:50 AM 11/2/02, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >And I'm supposed to be doing some sort
> >of crawl this evening for a bachelorette party for a close friend's
> >younger sister, and I'm not looking forward to this evening's weather
> >for *that*.  (At least it'll be downtown Austin, where it probably won't
> >be as windy as it gets out here, and it ought to be just a *little*
> >warmer, anyway.)
> Possibly dumb question:  what's a "crawl" in the context of a bachelorette
> party?

Kinda like a pub crawl, except the places on the itinerary weren't
pubs.  And due to the weather, we just ended up driving for sushi (and
having seen it now, I don't think I'm interested in ever having bubble
tea, but the sushi got decent reviews from those who eat the stuff, I
discovered that avacado rolls are pretty good, and the jasmine tea was
very nice) and then driving back to the friend's apartment for drinks,
the end of the UT football game, a bachelorette party game, cards, and a
special cake.

Oh, and I decided around 8 or 8:30 that following wasabi with sweet wine
was really nice.  Around 10, I was thinking of reconsidering.  Around
midnight, I decided that if I could stand some discomfort for awhile, it
was OK.


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