Kevin Tarr wrote:
> >         Julia
> >
> >trying to remember which year the Sox lost the series around then, and
> >not wanting to dig up the Shaughnessey book that would have that info
> >right now, because Jeopardy! is on and she'd rather go watch that
> Every year since 1918? Oh wait do you mean the white sox? Same answer -1
> ;-) It's good to be a Yankee fan.
> Seriously you must mean '75 when Cincin won the first of two years.

That would have been it.  The time they lost the series, not the years
they didn't even make it that far.  (Can't help where I was raised;
blame the brainwashing I got in my formative years for my hatred of the
> Not to get into a debate, but Ford really had nothing to do with Watergate
> which you obviously know. I'd hate for the voters to have selected Carter
> just because he wasn't Republican, but that's probably what happened.

I think that a lot of people were rather peeved at Ford for pardoning
Nixon, but if he hadn't, then everything would have been bogged down for
a long time.  Ford thought that the country had to move on again. 
That's almost certainly what cost him the election, that pardon.  But he
maintains it was the best thing for the country right then.


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