At 09:21 PM 12/19/02 -0800, Deborah Harrell wrote:

My real objections here are in the case of severely
limited resources, frex organs for transplant, going
to people who caused their own problems (Mickey Mantle
and David Crosby getting livers, after years of
alcohol and alc/drug abuse).  No one has been deprived
of something because of Reeves' treatment.

OTOH, there was a story on the news the other day about a prisoner on death row who had received a heart transplant, and then died a few weeks or months later because he didn't take care of himself after surgery. Because he was in prison, though, the law said he was entitled to the best possible health care at public expense . . .

In Larry Niven's Universe He'd Have Been A Donor Rather Than A Recipient Maru

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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