On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 07:40:37PM -0600, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:

> just mean "Mama/Papa is 70+ and though s/he was in good health for a
> person of that age before the heart attack, someone of that age can't
> make any useful (financial) contribution to society, so we might as
> well let them die and 'decrease the surplus population'."

What kind of reason is that? How about, "there's someone over there who
needs us and who DOES have a chance of having a long, healthy life if we
can save her now"

> IOW, can medicine be both a 'calling' AND a _business_?  If not, which
> one will it actually be?

The real question is, how will the resource allocation decisions be
made? In a complete libertarian system, it would be whether you could
pay for the medical care. In a totally socialized system, the government
would decide, probably with lots of regulations and red-tape. In the
current American system, which is somewhere in between those two,
having a group of "uninvolved" people making the decisions seems a
reasonable compromise. Although there should still be some regulations
and accountability for those people (we can't have them taking bribes,
for example).

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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