1)  The singer of "The Star Spangled Banner" for the AFC game was a lot
better, IMO, than the one for the NFC game.  (Who the heck is Jessica
Simpson, anyway?)

2)  I hate having to listen to Cris Collinsworth.  I'd rather that
someone with that particular voice not talk quite as much as he does.

3)  It's interesting spending almost 4 hours with a 20-month old while
trying to pay attention to something else.  It's interesting watching a
conference championship game while going through all sorts of
contortions to keep the remote that's being used away from said
20-month-old.  It's beyond weird arguing with a T-rex puppet that it
shouldn't eat Ed Hochuli.  (Said T-rex puppet was really good at
distracting the child when distraction was needed, though.)


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