Ilana wrote:
Jim wrote
>>What is it about this woman that galvanizes opinions on both sides?
>>I've only ever read Anthem, and that was back in high school.  Even
>>then, it was only because I was a Rush fan and it was required to >>read at least 
>one book by her if you were.  :-)
>??? I need translation for this one, pls. I understand that you feel
>required to read somebody's books if you are author's fan, but how 
>can you be some author's fan without reading any of the books?

Rush is a rock band from Canada.  Their drummer and main songwriter, Neil Peart, is 
(or at least was) a great fan of Ayn Rand.  At the time when I was a teenager, Rush 
was one of the ultimate geek bands, and if you were a fan, you felt obligated to hunt 
down the writer that influenced much of their music, especially the album from the 
mid-70's to the early 80's.

>>S'anyway, I'd love to hear from some of you what it is about her 
>>that engenders so much fanaticism.  I'm sort of aware of her 
>>philosophy of the virtues of selfishness, but otherwise I don't 
>>know what the big deal is.  Every time she's mentioned around 
>>here, there's this "Grab your torch and pitchfork" attitude about 
>>her.  Any enlightenment you can provide would be swell.
>Well, I can give it a try - the key word is "philosophy" which is 
>very close to "religion" and people are very touchy about their 
>beliefs. :-)

OK, Ilana.  But what is so heinous to some people about her philosophy?  And, for that 
matter, what is so appealing to others?

Searching for answers Maru

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