On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, G. D. Akin wrote:

> Both "Blood Music" and "Forge of God" were enjoyable reads.  "Blood Music"
> is a very chilling tale of biology gone wrong.  "Forge of God" is just as
> chilling in an end-of-the-world tale--of which I am a sucker for (my
> all-time favorite is "Lucifer's Hammer" by Niven and Pournelle).  Its
> sequel, "Anvil of the Stars" I found harder to read, but the ending
> satisfied me.

"Anvil" is on my bookshelf, waiting for my attention.  It'll have to wait 
until I finish "American Gods," though.

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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