At 08:37 AM 2/17/2003 -0600, you wrote:
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, G. D. Akin wrote:

> "Amercian Gods" . . .  2002 Hugo winner and probably even odds on taking
> home the Nebula in April as well.  I thought it was different, imaginative,
> but not anything to write home about or recommend to anyone.

A little shy of the halfway point, I'm really enjoying it.  It's reminding
me that I need to go and finish reading Joseph Campbell's Masks of God
series.  The book's central conceit about the nature of gods isn't
terribly original, but the way that conceit is mapped on to American
culture is quite spiffy to my mind.

Marvin Long
I did a delete all* so I can only reply to what I see now. Unless this was otherwise a weak year, I don't see how American Gods could win any awards. I liked it, but science fiction? Obviously not. Good fantasy? Yeah, but I've seen better.

Must have been the title.

*on purpose

Kevin T. VRWC
Breasts are like martinis. One isn't enough, three is too many.


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