On 14 Mar 2003 at 16:02, S.V. van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 23:45:36 -0600, Dan Minette 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Germany has proportional representation.  If there are two big
> > parties, each with 47.5% of the legislature, then a party with 5%
> > can claim a pretty high price to make one of the two parties the top
> > dog.
> >
> Not really. It is all a matter of give and take. One major advantage
> of  this system is that it forces parties to work together and find
> compromises. But if no compromise can be reached a minority government
> is also a possibility and then there is the multi-party majority.


> In the past it has been shown that making the 5 percent hurdle can be
> a pretty big hindrance for parties to overcome. If they don't get at
> least 5 percent of all votes they are not represented. This makes for
> a very cleaned up form of representation and prevents nutter parties
> from being represented.

In Germany, I believe when it was written it was specifically meant 
to stop Neo-Nazi groups from getting parliament seats under the 
partial-list system, but it IS generally applicable.

> I had to write a paper once on all the pros and cons I could come up
> with for different types of representations. It turns out that for all
> types of representation systems it is possible to come up with
> scenarios where the representation unfair in respect to the voting
> result. Actually neither of our current systems is good when you
> compare it to the direct representation like f.i. that of the ancient
> Athenians. Then again in ancient Athens only free _male_ citizens had
> a vote .... :o)

If you have it arround I'd love to read it.

I am currently pretty frustrated by the UK's "First Past the Post" 
system - at no time because of demographics (I've still voted, 
but...) has my vote counted (I've always supported the minority 
candidate, it seems. Because I don't like ANY of the three major 
parties, I vote on personalities of the individuals involved).

Dawn Falcon


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