----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: evangelical group tells brit marines to pray for dictator

> > On that note, that should be really religious _Christians_. Judaism has
> > never had any kind of principle for "turn the other cheek". It's more
> > eye for an eye".
> >
> Except the rabbinical commentators always stated that the law didn't
> demand such strict retribution. I'm not a Torah or Talmud scholar, but we
> _can_ "turn the other cheek" if we want to. But forgiveness requires true
> repentance, which obviously is not going to happen here.

Our local rabbi stated that "an eye for an eye..." was really a request for
moderation in a time of blood feuds.  Back then, it was often a life for an
eye, a life for a tooth, 5 lives for a life, etc.  One of the most
interesting part of reading discussions of law in Exodus, for me, is seeing
the glimpses of the way of life  of Israel before the laws.

Dan M.


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