--- "d.brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me remind you that in 1991 this same team
> stopped our army 24 
> hours from eliminating the problem altogether &
> freeing the same 
> Iraqi people we are now supposed to be rescuing.  
> The difference 
> between now and WWII is that such people would not
> be allowed to 
> commit similar errors 12 years later, like sending a
> corps to do an 
> army's job.

I wonder, Dr. Brin, if you would accept a
falsifiability test on this.  Namely, if the United
States scores a decisive and (by historical standards)
rapid victory over the Iraqi military according to
what is, to a large extent, Rumsfeld's plan, are you
willing to acknowledge that you were wrong?  Because I
think that's what's about to happen, and I _don't_
think that they sent a Corps to do an Army's job.  I
think they realized that 250,000 American and 35,000
British soldiers were quite sufficient to get the
rolling start of a revolutionary military campaign
going - one that would (so far) conquer 50% of a
country the size of California with fewer than 100
killed.  Pretty good for a bunch of "bozos". 
Particularly given the fact that they only had about
50% of the forces they actually wanted - because the
4th Infantry was _supposed_ to be invading from Turkey
right about now, and would have been doing so if not
for France and Germany's threats to Turkey to exclude
it from the European Union.  Or is that all the
responsibility of the Bush Administration as well?  At
what point do you give agency to other countries in
the world that act on their own behalf, instead of
solely in response to the United States?

I'm also curious, btw, are you on record advocating
continuing the attack in 1991?  Lots of people who
seem to think that was a good idea don't seem to have
been saying so back then.  The reason we stopped is
very simple.  James Baker gave the word of the United
States of America that we were in the Persian Gulf to
free Kuwait, not to overthrow Saddam.  It was the only
way we could get troops into the country.  So, are you
suggesting that the correct policy was to break that
word and topple the Iraqi government then, and that
this somehow would make us look _better_ to the Arab
street?  We are not France.  The word of the United
States is worth something, as various countries have
found out over the past two centuries or so.


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