--- "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> d.brin wrote:
<much snippage> 
> >Or attacking in 180 degrees the wrong direction. 
> Saddam could have 
> >waited.  The people who are killing Americans,
> waging jihad against 
> >our civilization and corrupting our leaders live in
> Riyadh.
> Dr Brin, you have previously indicated to this List
> that you consider a
> major risk from this war the possibility of
> inflaming ordinary Mulsims and
> Arabs against us.   Out of curiosity, how do you
> reconcile this previous
> fear of yours with your suggestion that we should,
> "be attacking Riyadh?"

*Technical point*  Your quote was NOT what he said!

My impression from his above statement is that he is
*rhetorically* asking - as have others previously on
the List - since neither Iraq nor Iranians have
attacked the US openly, but many Saudis were involved
in the attack on the Towers, if one is going to launch
a war, why not against those who have definitely
attacked US territory already?

This is NOT the same as calling for *actual* attack on
Saudi Arabia!


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