At 08:19 AM 5/29/2003 -0700, you wrote:
--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wanted to ask you a question before Teri and I
> leave for a cruise to
> celebrate our 25th anniversary.  (in other words, I
> won't be on line for
> almost 10 days).  I remember you making a virtual
> bet that we'd find a
> smoking gun for WMD in Iraq by about now.  Any
> guesses as to why we didn't?
> Dan M.

Was it about now?  If so, I was overoptimistic when I
made it - 6-9 months seems like a better time scale.
I don't really expect to find that much, though.  It
depends on what you mean by a virtual smoking gun.  I
have been told (there have been some news reports on
the subject as well, but I trust the people I spoke to
more than the media) that we have pretty good evidence
that Iraq was madly destroying weapons in the days
before the conflict, and that's probably why we
haven't found very much.  We have found a mobile
weapons lab, though, and various other things that
they weren't allowed to have.  So I guess it depends
on your standards.  I wish we had found more, but we
haven't found much less than I was expecting at this
point in the game.


And Blix wanted to see those SCUDs that they didn't have, the ones raining down on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Nothing up my sleeve


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