[older messages, April 9, 2003]

Jeffrey Miller wrote:

> Yes, its ok, except that we disagree on both the amount and nature of
> those WMD. :)

Gautam wrote: 

> Well, one of us is going to be proved right in a few months, and I'm
> feeling pretty confident.  You?  

Almost two months later...

On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 08:19:55AM -0700, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> --- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wanted to ask you a question before Teri and I leave for a cruise
> > to celebrate our 25th anniversary. (in other words, I won't be on
> > line for almost 10 days).  I remember you making a virtual bet that
> > we'd find a smoking gun for WMD in Iraq by about now.  Any guesses
> > as to why we didn't?
> Was it about now?  If so, I was overoptimistic when I made it - 6-9
> months seems like a better time scale.  I don't really expect to
> find that much, though.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.erikreuter.net/

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