On 12 Jun 2003 at 9:50, Richard Baker wrote:

> Erik said:
> > Does Dawkins make this argument in the book? It doesn't sound like
> > him.
> It's been a while since I read it, but I think he does make that
> argument. Of course, Andy hasn't mentioned that he then goes on to say
> that evolution isn't random chance: it's random mutation followed by
> non-random selection. The fact that some organisms have heritable
> improvements in reproductive fitness means that even though mutations
> are random they aren't equally likely to persist.

Certainly, but that applies to biology and we don't really KNOW how 
random much of the formation of the Universe was. And I'd point out 
that what "reproductive fitness" is can be complex (for example, why 
the Cystic Fybrosis gene survived...).

Dawn Falcon


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