> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 09:14 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Lost in the Baghdad Museum: The Truth
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > This arguement is beneath you. The specific
> > complaint about looting of the museum has nothing to
> > do with the legitimacy of the war. This is not an
> > either or question. One can rescue Iraqi children
> > and protect antiquites. That is precisely the point.
> > The looting was an instance of poor planning and
> > Rumsfeld's response an example of the callousness of
> > the administration.
> No, it's not.
> 32 pieces.  

3,033, actually.. but who's counting?

> The whole looting story was a lie.  

Let me see if I can understand your argument. All that news footage of Iraqis carrying 
off artifacts, Rumsfeld and others going on about the looting, the international 
antiquities community freaking out, it was all a photo-op by the Baathist Americans to 
discredit Bush?  I'm really, really puzzled at the connection.

I'm amazed how eagerly you attempt to use my comment that the loss of 3,033 important 
artifacts would be considered the heist of the century had it happened any place else 
or under anyone else's watch as a springboard to go off on a rant.  Lighten up, Gautam.


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