At 10:50 PM 6/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
At 09:59 PM 6/13/03 -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:

Wow, we must either be on different lists, or one of us isn't very perceptive. Of the politically vocal Americans on the list*, I count yourself, Georgis, Tarr, Cofey, Agretto and Cooper as well right of center. Several others such as Blankenship, Horn, and Minete, are middle right, IMO.

Hmm. This would be a surprise to people on other lists (not the c-list) who think I'm a right-wing nut¹. Guess I need to rant a little harder here . . .

¹Or is that "right wing-nut"?


Whoops, I never saw that e-mail Doug. I have it, but I'm reading backwards. Maybe the vocal people did make it seem to me that there were more against invasion. Squeaky wheels and all that.

Kevin T. - VRWC
At the GirlSchool


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