Gautam Mukunda wrote:

Well, I am sorry about that.  This is an issue that is
striking a little close to the heart, though.  There
is a pervasive dishonesty that has crept into this
issue where we have people actively crippling American
war efforts for short-term partisan advantage - and a
bunch of very bright people on the list who buy that
wholesale.  There is something rotten in the state of
the Democratic party leadership, you might say, and
the least I expect from people here is to call it.

What's rotten is the Bush administration, from the 500 B deficit and the unashamed favoritism towards the well to do, to the secret military tribunals and prisoners held without being charged, to severely mismanaged foreign policy and an unnecessary war stirred up by a collection of half truths and intentionally misleading propaganda.

When someone starts calling people unpatriotic because they don't go along with official policy, that throws up a red flag for me: they are in the wrong and they are trying to hide the fact they are in the wrong by discouraging dialog on the subject.



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