Robert Seeberger wrote:

> Look at what is happening in Texas. Its all out in the open here. The
> Republican party cares not a whit what the people of Texas think or what the
> law states.


If the Republicans would just put electable candidates on the ballots in
5 districts, that would balance things out the way these various
Republican leaders want it.

There are 5 districts in Texas which have voted very much in favor of
the Republican candidates in most races -- but they are re-electing
their incumbent Democrat congressional representatives.  In at least one
race last fall, the Republican challenger took a tack in campaign ads
that totally backfired.  If the Republican Party would just spend some
of its own money finding and backing *good* candidates in those
districts, instead of using the Texas taxpayers' money, they'd stand as
good a chance at achieving the same end without generating the sort of
bad feeling that more and more Texans (Democrat, independent, and in
some cases, yes, Republican) are feeling with each map offered up.

OK, off my soapbox for the evening....


who was just *sick* about the redistricting map in today's paper -- some
of it made no sense whatsoever

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