--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think statements indicating that the
> administration is obviously telling the truth and
> that anyone not agreeing this is either what?
> stupid? venal? totally naive? totally cynical? 

Taken advantage of by people more interested in
political power than the national interest.

What's it's really about, though, is hate.  Well, hate
and envy.  A large portion of the world's left just
goes batshit crazy at the idea of George Bush.  So
much so that no one, nothing, is more important than
beating him.  Defending a sociopathic dictator?  No
problem, as long as it hurts George Bush.  

A lot of it probably has to do with collapse of an
ideology.  September 11th was the deathknell of the
modern American left.  It simply had no meaningful
response to the attack other than to suggest - either
openly or by implication - that the United States had
brought the attack upon itself.  I spent the year
after the attacks in Cambridge - a place where the
left would generate something coherent if it was
capable of it _anywhere_ - and it didn't, and isn't. 
The public saw this, and the public rejected it, and
fully and finally awakened itself from its
post-Vietnam slumbers.  George Bush's reelection will
be the final stake in the heart of an ideology whose
dominant feature for the last 30 years has been the
defense of any enemy of the United States, no matter
how vile, starting with Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro,
and ending with Saddam Hussein.  That's what this is
really about - the rest is just frippery.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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