--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 03:17:37AM -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:
> > But still your missing the point. I just can't see how an intelegant
> > person is hoodwinked by this rediculous propoganda.
> Since we are being snippy...I just can't see how an intelligent person
> could post writing like this.  It would seem to me that if someone knows
> that their spelling is poor, they would take care to either not post
> when they are upset or to run their writing through a spell-checker
> before posting.

I can't see how an intelegent person would redicule someone for something
they have no control over rather than addressing the information.

Spell-checkers do VERY VERY LITTLE to actualy correct spelling. Most of the
time they do not even provide a spelling which is phoneticly simmilar to the
desired word. Even when they do, they provide too many posibilities, all of
which must be looked up in a dictionary to figure out which is actualy the
correct one. This is increadably time consuming and if I were required to do
this it would limit my participation in any discussion to the point that it
would not be fesable.

I was not upset then (but I am now). There is absolutly no reason I should be
required to spend an hour constructing a 2 minut post.

Your bigotry realy angers me. I am certain that the list moderators do not
whish to limmit equal participation in this list by excluding participants by
race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, or disability. I am also certain
that they do not which to place restrictions on such individuals as to make
their participation infesable.

               Jan William Coffey

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