At 01:08 AM 7/25/2003 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
>> Why do you think that Osama bin Laden objects to the
>> same things about American foreign policy that you do?
>       That's not a fair tactic in an argument.

Actually, I think that it is the most salient thing that Gautam has had to
say in this argument.

You have very clearly tied your objections to US foreign policy to the
motivations behind terrorists - and that tie is definitely worth questioning.

>>  We aren't dealing with an opponent
>> that wants rational things - we are dealing with a
>> pathology.  This isn't about giving them what they
>> want so that they go away.  It's about killing them
>> before they kill us, because one of those two things
>> is going to happen just as surely as the tides.
>       But it's not one monolithic group!  Some idiots want
>everyone in the world to adhere to their religion.  Others are
>driven by more reasonable concerns.  Let's deal with their 
>concerns.  Then all we have to do is fight the former faction.

Please detail which of the Al Qaeda members who have attacked the US over
the past 10 years you consider to have, quote, "reasonable concerns," and
what these concerns are.


John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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